  • Visit Fernandez's new Outpatient Clinic at Necklace Road, Sec'bad. Slots are now open; Call 040 4780 7575 for appointments.
  • Centralized appointments are now available 24x7, call toll free 1800 419 1397 for assistance. Please click here to book an appointment for your consultation.

Our Services

    Who is a midwife?

    A Midwife is a professional and trusted expert in natural birth. She looks after pregnant women who have no medical complications. She is a person who has successfully completed a midwifery education programme that is recognised in the country where it is located and that is based on the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Essential Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice and the framework of the ICM Global Standards for Midwifery Education.

    You can give birth in a Midwife Led Unit (MLU), if:

    • You are healthy and have no major medical concerns.
    • Your previous pregnancy was straightforward, and you had a vaginal birth without any major complications.
    • This pregnancy has been straightforward for you and your baby.
    • Your baby is growing well and is bigger than the 10th centile.
    • You go into labour spontaneously.
    • Your waters are broken less than 24 hours.

    If you are unsure whether to birth in the MLU, please discuss this with the Midwifery Team.

    Primary care in the MLU will be provided by the team of professional midwives. An Obstetrician will review you only if needed.

    Dr Lourdes C Fernandez – Midwife Led Unit (MLU)

    Dr Lourdes Fernandez MLU at Fernandez Hospital, Bogulkunta, is a specialised unit where professional midwives are the lead caregivers. It is a separate birthing suite, next to the main Labour Ward.

    Midwife Led OP Clinics at Fernandez Hospital

    Bogulkunta MLU – Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 9am – 1:30pm

    Breech and VBAC clinics – Saturdays 9am – 1:30pm

    Stork Home MLU – Mondays and Fridays 9am – 2pm

    Miyapur MLU – Saturdays 8am – 2pm

    Midwifery Services at Stork Home

    The labour rooms at Stork Home offer:

    Pain Relief Methods

    Mobility and Exercises in Labour

    All of the exercises yield great benefits and help the mother get ready for labour and childbirth. The midwives make sure you don't have any limitations before you attempt any of these exercises.

    Spinning babies

    Spinning Babies is an approach based on easing the baby's rotation in the mother’s womb. When rotation is easier for the baby, birth is easier for the mother.

    Support in cases of breach position

    Care and support provided to mothers when the baby is in a breech position help ease out the process of birthing that can otherwise be complicated. The Breech team includes midwives and obstetricians.

    • Birthing Environment
    • Birthing Methods
    • Collaborative care with obstetricians
    • Postnatal clinic appointments after 6 weeks of delivering the baby
    • Ensures wellbeing of mother and baby
    • Discussions about medication
    • Hygiene specifications
    • Vaccination
    • Family planning
    • Midwifery Services at Bogulkunta
    • Facilities at Bogulkunta:


    • The birthing rooms at Bogulkunta are decorated in warm colours that help the mother feel calm and peaceful.
    • Each room has a:
    • Birthing pool for birth or hydrotherapy 
    • Birthing ball
    • Ceiling mounted sling/rebozo for achieving active birth
    • Yoga mats 
    • Traditional bed or couch for some rest  
    • Attached washroom with shower
    • Essential Oil diffuser for aromatherapy
    • Option to have the lights dimmed for relaxation

    Other Services at Bogulkunta:

    Additional Labour Support

    Additional Labour Support believes strongly in the natural course of birth and aims to reduce dependency on medical interventions. 


    At the birthing centre, the midwife will help you through a water birth whereby at least part of your labour, delivery or both happen while you're in a birth pool filled with warm water. 

    Childbirth classes

    The childbirth classes cover everything surrounding pregnancy, labour, birthing and postpartum health to help new parents feel a little more prepared. 

    To register for Childbirth Classes, please contact +917337320895

    One-on-One Classes are also available.


    Doula services

    The doulas at Fernandez Foundation are trained to advise, inform, and offer emotional and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and after the birth of her child. Our doulas view their role as nurturing and protecting a woman's memory of the birth experience.